Wednesday, March 23, 2011


This day is somewhat hazy for me. I have learned a couple of things that gives away mixed emotions. Some negative, some positive.

Okay, I'll do this is order. I somekinda learned that a friend is leaving. And my intuition is rarely wrong when it comes to these kind of things. I received a confirmation now from that person. Hm, only thing I am thinking - he is a great loss. I wonder how the boss will get through? And that, ayun - naunahan ako.

Second, it's a boy! Ate Tina and Kuya Raymond - our host in May will be having a baby boy! Imagine that, I believe the Flores Clan really has a thing for getting alot of males is the family! I originally guessed that it will be a girl since Hunny's cousin is so girly these days - wearing dresses and blooming during her pregnancy. Well, regardless of the gender, I know the kid will be spoiled and smart like his parents.. I wonder if they have already chosen a name.

Hm, last news I heard so far is sad. Rica's grandpa passed away. Tatay Makati - as what we call him. I haven't had the honor to talk to him or get to know him but was able to meet him during family gatherings and parties. I was able to attend their wedding anniversary last year and saw how well he raised him family. I feel sad now - for a loss of another good person. My heart goes out to Rica and her family. It is indeed a sad and happy day.

On a different account - Alec will be leaving for Japan probably next next week. Mother does not want him to go. That was my reaction too, but I guess it can't be helped. No harm will come to those who trust the Lord. And everything He does is according to plan.

I will be leaving in two months. Exactly 2 months from now. It hasn't really sinked in because it feels like I still have alot of things to do. But as I prepare myself - I try to accept that there will be difficult times - esp with emotions and being homesick. But I pray for His grace.

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