Friday, April 8, 2011

My Room of Eight

I am not a fan of chain texts or emails ever since I started receiving one when I was in high school. I simply don't believe in luck when it comes to such things. And I personally think it is stupid to follow instructions such as re-send the email to 10 people or forward the text to 20 friends to avoid bad luck. Life does not work that way.

I have had a not so thrilling week at work. Trying to adjust with the people movement that involves my account which means going back to step one of "trying" to work with another person. And it is just a week that I am feeling more confident about my decision of leaving the company. Nevertheless, for me - it will still be BAU or Business As Usual until my last day on the 15th of May. 
I came to work today and saw an email from my aunt. It was a chain letter. The second that I have received from her this month. Though I haven't received any from her before aside from our usual exchange of hi-hello, I am blessed that she considers me among her circle now. We were not close before since she was living in US since he day I was born. Though she is my godmother, I met her when I was already 26 years old..

The point of this entry is to share the content of her email. And though I have had a crappy week, I have decided to be happy today - and it is Friday after all.
"May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.  May you not forget  the infinite possibilities  that  are born of faith in yourself and others.  May you use  the  gifts that you have received, and pass on the love  that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself  just the way you are.  Let this knowledge settle into  your bones, and allow your soul the freedom  to sing,  dance, praise and love. It is there  for each and every  one of  us."
This is a reminder for me.. to stop once in a while, and smell the flowers. 

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