sigh... stupid customers... grrrr! they are really getting into my nerves and honestly, this job is not healthy for me anymore.. i have gotten so used to it that it really bores me now...
it is like no excitement going to work, i can't even find my smiling by just the thought of it. one thing that I have learned is that you have to love your work, what you do and the environment that surrounds you.. or else you will not be able to enjoy it and you will not be able to grow.
it is not that i am so negative about this company. I have learned a few good things and learned so many lessons here, met many friends also like the wave1 peeps who taught me about webtree.. the Team Great Taste... (my beloved wave 4 mates), my Team andrew buddies up to the lats team where i have been... and the other waves people who were so nice and friendly enough -- both L1 and L2's .. :)
not mention one person that really have helped me alot in my stay here is my boss- hehe the only person that I really respected as a the team manager ..
and now, am ready to move forward and broaden the horizons... it does not mean that i am to leave them... it is just stepping forward to what lies ahead. after all, how can i forget these people? they are my first TMs and colleagues. and it has been a pleasure working with them...
i look forward to knowing more friends and learning more lessons... hopefully on a different country...
i just hope that huhun will be with me.. although there is a part of me that tells me that he will stay here... sigh? decisions.. decisions...